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 Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition

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Number of posts : 1429
Age : 29
Localisation : Canada
Registration date : 2007-06-23

Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition Empty
PostSubject: Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition   Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2007 7:50 am

Dum, dum, dum... Dum, dum, dum... Dum, dum dum dum dum dum! Puleleleeloo

Welcome to Who Wants To Win Resources!.

The questions are politically-correct related and there are three choices. No lifelines! Message or PM me the answers correctly and you win 500 of each resources!

The first person to answer all questions correctly on their first try wins. Do not post answers in this topic.

Let's play Who Wants To Win Resources!

Last edited by on Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 1429
Age : 29
Localisation : Canada
Registration date : 2007-06-23

Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition   Who Wants To Win Resources! Politically-Correct Edition Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2007 11:20 am

1. In 2001 Carol Ann Demaret launched a boycott of a film that offended her. Which film and why?
[a] A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. "Abusing children, even robot children, is wrong."
[b] Planet of the Apes. "Ape actors should play the ape parts."
[c] Bubble Boy. "It mocks people without immunities."

2. The Brazilian city of Cascavel has banned municipal workers from engaging in what practice?
[a] Praying. "Religion has no place in the workplace. Do it on your own time."
[b] Spreading gossip. "Public employees have moral rights."
[c] Drinking French roast coffee during breaks. "French roast encourages the perception that Brazilian roast is inferior."

3. A high priest of the British White Witches is protesting the Warner Bros. film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for what reason?
[a] It shows witches in school. "Witches are born, not taught."
[b] It shows witches riding brooms with the brush end in the back - real witches ride brooms brush-end forward.
[c] It shows several black witches.

4. An organization in Florida launched a petition campaign to amend the state constitution to protect which of the following?
[a] Pregnant pigs, to protect them from "chronic stress."
[b] Brahma bulls, to protect them from "anti-Hindu terrorism."
[c] Human souls, to protect them from "abuse by atheists."

5. College professor Jon Willand, who has taught American history for more than 30 years, was reprimanded for doing what?
[a] Displaying an old recruting poster that depicts General George Custer and seeks soldiers to fight "militant Sioux."
[b] Stating that the civil rights movement was "all about ego."
[c] Arranging the seating chart so that all the "hot babes" sat in front.

6. Protestors outside the U.S. Embassy in Bombay, India, criticized the Bush administration's White House website ( for which of the following reasons:
[a] Describing a rash as an "Indian burn" in a press release describing George Bush's first presidential medical exam.
[b] Showing a picture of the entire Bush family - parents, daughters, two dogs . . . and a cat named India.
[c] Stating that Bush "feels the same way about Indian food that his father feels about broccoli."

7. A Canadian activist orginization seeks to change Canada's national anthem in what way?
[a] Replace "Canadians" with "North Americans." (Endorses ethnic diversity . . . and better tourism.)
[b] Remove the reference to the "milk of our sacred land." (Offends vegans and the lactose intolerant.)
[c] Remove the phrase "all thy sons." (Sexist)
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