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 Moscow (English) Lyrics

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Number of posts : 1429
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Registration date : 2007-06-23

Moscow (English) Lyrics Empty
PostSubject: Moscow (English) Lyrics   Moscow (English) Lyrics Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2007 8:27 pm

Moscow (English)
Genghis Khan

Moscow, Queen of the Russian land
Built like a rock to stand, proud and devine
Moscow, your golden towers glow
Even through ice and snow, sparkling they shine

And every night, night, night, there is music (hey, hey)
Oh every night, night, night, there is laugh (hah, hah)
And every night, night, night, there is rivalry
Here's to you, brother, hey brother, hoh
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Moscow, Moscow, throwing glasses at the wall
And good fortune to us all, Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh, Hey!
Moscow, Moscow, join us for a Cossack Show
We'll go dancing 'round the clock, Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah, Hey!

Moscow, Moscow, drinking vodka all night long
Keeps you happy, makes you strong, Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh, Hey!
Moscow, Moscow, come and have a drink and then
You will never leave again, Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah

Moscow - City of mystery, So full of history, noble and old
Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-Moscow, there is a burning fire
That never will expire, deep in your soul

And every night, night, night there is music (hey, hey)
Oh every night, night, night there is laugh (hah, hah)
And every night, night, night there is rivalry
Here's to you sister, hey sister, hoh-oh-oh-oh
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Moscow, Moscow, throwing glasses at the wall
And good fortune to us all, Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh, Hey!
Moscow, Moscow, join us for a Cossack Show
We'll be dancing 'round the clock, Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah, Hey!

Moscow, La-la-lah, lah-la-la-lah
La-la-lah, lah-la-la-lah, Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh, Hey!
Moscow... (Moscow), La-la-lah, lah-la-la-lah
La-la-lah, lah-la-la-lah, Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah

Hoh..., Hoh-oh-oh-hoh, Hoh-oh-oh-hoh, Hoh-oh-hoh
Moscow, Moscow

Moscow, Moscow, Take Natasha in your arms
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